miercuri, 24 octombrie 2012

Dulceata de fructe Goji ( Goji berry jam)

Am sa incep aceasta reteta spunandu-ti cate ceva despre fructele Goji ...

   - sunt originare din Sud-Estul Europei si Asia si defapt se numesc Wolfberry  insa comercial au fost numite Goji berry acesta fiind si numele tibetan Goji ,si provin din familia Solanaceae care include de asemenea si cartoful,rosia,vinata ,ardeiul gras si ardeiul iute ...Au inceput sa fie  folosite in bucataria Chinezeasca cu mii de ani in urma atat in preparatele dulci cat si in cele savoury dar si la prepararea ceaiurilor ...

  - In ultimul timp oriunde intorci capul auzi de Goji...se spune ca e fructul minune si ca e foarte benefic sanatatii ,continand o cantitate mare de antioxidanti ,vitamina A si C, bogat in calciu si fier si cu un continut ridicat de fibre ... Ajuta la fortifierea sistemului imunitar ,dau un bust de energie , ajuta la improvizarea memoriei ,imbunatateste functionarea ficatului si ajuta la combaterea afectiunilor ficatului , protejaza organismul de toxinele provenite din alimente sau din mediul inconjurator ,contin un nutrient numit polizaharide care se spune ca ajuta la slabire ,transformand alimentele consumate in energie si NU in grasime ...,contin chiar si o cantitate mare de  proteina pt un fruct asa de mic (1g proteina pe portie )...


 -Fructele Goji  sunt tolerate 1 lingura in faza de ATAC  si in zilele de PP* (in faza de CROAZIERA) ; 2 linguri in zilele de PL*/PV* ( faza de CROAZIERA ) , 3 linguri in faza de CONSOLIDARE si 5 linguri in faza de STABILIZARE .

              PP= zilele de PROTEINA PURA
           PL= zilele de  PROTEINA + LEGUME care in engleza e PV=PROTEINA+VEGETABLES

                  Fructele Goji se gasesc in stare uscata si se pot cunsuma foarte usor deoarece sunt dulci si delicioase , le poti manca ca atare sau folosi in diferite prajituri ,poti face suc natural de Goji ,poti sa le amesteci in taratele de ovaz cu lapte sau sa faci  dulceata de Goji ...,se gasesc chiar si ceaiuri cu fructe Goji ,eu beau aproape zilnic ceai verde cu Goji si este delicios :P

Si acum sa iti dau reteta la dulceata de fructe Goji ...

Ingrediente : -6 linguri fructe Goji
                       -indulcitor dupa gust
                       -1 bucata coaja de lamaie
                       -1lingura suc de lamaie
                       -1 lingurita de gelatina granulata
                       -1-2 pahare cu apa rece
                       -1 linguria de esenta de vanilie

Modul de preparare :-pui fructele goji intr-o cratita mica  , adaugi indulcitorul,sucul de lamaie ,coaja de lamaie ...

                                                                 -le acoperi cu apa...

                                                          -le  pui la fiert la foc mic ...

-amesteci din cand in cand cu o spatula sau o lingura de lemn

                              -cand fructele Goji incep sa se hidrateze scoti coaja de lamaie

-presari gelatina deasupra si amesteci bine (gelatina se presara in ploaie, nu se pune dintr-o data pt a nu se face cocoloase ,daca vrei poti sa dizolvi gelatina ,iar cand e hidratata o topesti la microunde 5 secunde si apoi o adaugi la fructele gojii)

     -lasi sa fiarba inca aproximativ 5 minute ,amestecand mereu pt ca dulceata sa nu se prinda de baza cratitei sau sa se arda ,daca este necesar mai adaugi putina apa fierbinte ...

-dulceata este gata cand fructele goji sunt complet hidratate iar siropul format se ingroase putin ...,stingi focul si adaugi esenta de vanilie ...

                -amesteci bine si pui dulceata obtinuta intr-un vas pt servire sau intr-un borcanel sa se raceasca si sa se inchege  ...

             -daca preferi dulceata mai fina ,folosind un blender manual pasezi bine dulceata obtinuta...

                                                     -vei obtine o consistenta cremoasa ...

                                             - este delicioasa sper ca o vei incerca si tu...

-dulceata de fructe Goji se poate servi cu paine sau chec dukan...

  -cu muffins sau alte prajituri ,se poate folosi la umplerea clatitelor sau la umplerea unei rulade ...
- poti sa o amesteci in taratele de ovaz cu lapte...

In orice fel vei consuma fructele Goji vor fi delicioase si sanatoase , pofta buna ! 

22 de comentarii:

  1. Suuuper! Multumesc mult de reteta! :)

  2. Cum prepari ceai-ul de goji? :)

    1. Eu cumpar ceai verde cu fructe goji ,pun pliculetul in cana si torn apa fierbinte peste ,si I'll las sa satea cam 10 minute ,cand am pofta adaug si cateva fructe goji ca sa-mi indulceasca ceaiul :)

  3. De la ce firma cumperi ceai-ul verde cu goji? Poti sa-mi spui? :)

  4. Dulceata aceasta trebuie tinuta la frigider, chiar si nedesfacuta ? Ma gindesc ca nu are nimic care sa o conserve ca, deh, zahar ioc ! Tu cum o tii ?

    1. Elena,eu fac numai cate o portie, si o pastrez in frigider :) ,nu ii pun conservant ,o consum toata in 3-7 zile ,ai voie 1 lingura goji la PP si 2 linguri la PL.

    2. Multumesc mult pentru raspuns, voi face si eu la fel.

  5. Buna, Oana!
    fructele goji vad ca sunt tolerate, nu? adica in limita celor doua zilnice, daca le consumam, mai avem voie maxim un tolerat. ma refer la croaziera. pe unele site.uri am vazut ca ar fi permise si nu mi-e clar. multumesc! Alina

  6. Hi Alina ! Eu le consider tolerate , pt ca sunt trecute in lista cu alimente tolerate din contul meu de coaching :) , au fost multe discutii contradictorii cu anumite dukanite si in urma acestora am intrebat si coach-ul meu Dukan si mi-a confirmat ca fructele goji sunt tolerate :) , apar ca si tolerate si in retetele de pe site-ul oficial dukandiet.com :) , sunt singurul aliment tolerat acceptat inca din atac datorita valorii lor nutritionale :) 1 lingura ATAC si zilele de PP si 2 linguri in zilele de PL .

  7. Da, stiu si eu ca apar in lista celor 100 alimente permise , insa daca sunt permise atunci de ce apar in lista de tolerate ? iti dau copy /paste cu lista di contul meu de coaching http://www.dukandiet.com/my-slimming-apartment/my-kitchen/tolerated-foods Tolerated Foods
    This DIET combines success with the realistic constraints of one's lifestyle. You may find below some items that we allow for that small pleasure. You can continue your success without completely depriving yourself! Here we bring you the concept of “tolerated” foods. There are about 20 foods in this category that do not officially belong to the authorized food list. They help individuals take the rough edge off dieting—especially if they have much weight to lose or because they are going through a very hard time emotionally.
    Tolerated Foods
    Below are the daily servings of Tolerated Foods that you can have starting in the Cruise phase. These are not allowed on Protein Thursdays during the Stabilization phase. You can have 2 items per day during Cruise. You can increase to 3 items per day during Consolidation. If you are experiencing stagnation, please avoid eating from this list until WEIGHT LOSS resumes. For quicker weight loss, avoid Tolerated Foods.
    FAT-free yogurt with fruit or flavored yogurt (1 serving, look for no sugar added)
    Plain soy yogurt (1 serving)
    Soy flour or Cornstarch (1 Tablespoon)
    Reduced or fat-free heavy cream, at least 97% fat-free (1 Tablespoon)
    Cooking wine, uncovered when cooking so that it evaporates (3 Tablespoons)
    Low-fat, sugar-free cocoa, at least 90% fat-free, such as Dukan Diet Organic Cocoa Powder (1 teaspoon)
    Chicken or turkey sausage (3-6 grams of fat per 60 grams serving)
    Unsweetened soy milk (8 ounces)
    Unsweetened almond milk (3.
    Low fat cheese (1 ounce, 6 grams of fat or less per serving)
    Oil (1 teaspoon for salad dressing or greasing a pan such as olive oil or grape seed oil)
    Goji Berries (per day: 1 Tablespoon during Attack and on pure protein days of Cruise, 2 Tablespoons during protein + vegetable days of Cruise, 3 Tablespoons during Consolidation)
    Flaxseed (1 teaspoon)
    Chia seeds (1 Tablespoon)
    Sesame seeds (1 teaspoon)
    Oat bran (1 Tablespoon for those who work out or are constipated)
    For non-vegetarians, these foods should be thought of only as tolerated foods and used occasionally, assuming you are meeting your WEIGHT LOSSgoals:
    Soy veggie burger
    Soy steaks (6 grams of FAT or less)
    Soy yogurt
    Soy milk
    Textured SOY PROTEIN (TSP)

  8. Uite si conversatia mea cu coach-ul dukan in care confirma ca Goji sunt tolerate :)

    The Dukan Diet Team.

    Name oana11
    Email aj11ro@yahoo.com
    Subject* Coaching
    From oana11, 07/23/2014 3:37PM EST
    Hi there ! I am wondering if the Goji berries ( 1 T on PP days & 2 T on PV days )and the 1 tsp oil are tolerated or allowed ? I consider them tolerated , because they are on the tolerated foods list http://www.dukandiet.com/my-slimming-apartment/my-kitchen/tolerated-foods , but other Dukan diet followers are saying that they are permitted because they are also on the 100 Allowed foods list http://www.dukandiet.com/low-carb-diet/food-list ? So do i count them as tolerated or as permitted but in the limited quantities ? In one day of Cruise can one person consume Goji + oil + 2 more of the tolerated foods ?
    And what oil is included ? olive oil , grape seed , canola , coconut , vegetable oil , sesame oil ?
    Thank you very much ! :)
    From nmichel, 07/24/2014 7:36AM EST
    Hello Oana,

    Thank you for contacting us. The Goji berries, as stated on the tolerated food list, are tolerated on PP days (1 tbsp) and on PV days (2 tbsp), and 1 teaspoon of olive oil a day is allowed but not the other oils.
    Therefore, in one day, you can have 1 teaspoon of olive oil, along with 2 tolerated items.


    From oana11, 07/24/2014 8:07AM EST
    Thank you !
    From oana11, 07/24/2014 9:21AM EST
    So 1 tsp of olive oil is allowed , and the others oils are tolerated ? , because i found dukan recipes that are using vegetable oil , or grape seed oil and , the coconut cookies contain coconut oil and canola oil :)
    From nmichel, 07/24/2014 9:38AM EST
    Hello Oana,

    The olive oil is allowed but the other oils are tolerated.


    From oana11, 07/24/2014 9:43AM EST
    Great , thank you ! :)

  9. Iti pun si cateva retete cu goji din cartea cu rete din contul meu de coaching http://www.dukandiet.com/my-slimming-apartment/my-kitchen/my-recipe-book?search=goji&dsh=3&cat=&sup=&max= :) , ca sa vezi ca la ingrediente in dreptul fructelor goji , in paranteza apare -" "tolerated"
    Goji Berry Burst Muffin
    Ingredients :
    1 12 Tablespoons Goji Berries, such as (soaked in water for 5 minutes, tolerated)
    1 egg white
    1 large or extra-large whole egg
    1 cup water 6 oz. serving (3/4 cup) of nonfat Greek yogurt
    Directions :
    Pre-heat oven to 350F. In a medium-sized mixing bowl, combine muffin mix with yogurt, water and Goji berries—or you can add 1 tablespoon into each muffin cup to be precise. In a separate bowl, whisk eggs for one minute until well beaten, add to the muffin mix, and blend well. Spoon the batter into a non-stick muffin pan or use paper cups. Bake for 17-19 minute
    Oven temperatures may vary; do not over bake or muffins can become dry. Refrigerate leftovers for up to 3 days in a sealed container. Muffins will keep for up to 2 months if frozen - to defrost, place them in your fridge overnight. When ready to eat, microwave for 15 seconds.
    Hibiscus and Goji Tea
    Ingredients :
    8 cups of water
    ¼ cup dried Goji berries (tolerated)
    ¼ cup hibiscus flowers (or Rooibos tea)
    1/8 teaspoon of Stevia
    2 cinnamon sticks
    Directions :
    In a large saucepan bring the water to a boil and remove from heat. Add Goji berries, hibiscus flowers, stevia and cinnamon sticks. Let steep for 25 minutes. Whisk for 30 seconds; strain into a pitcher. Serve warm or fill glasses with ice or iced tea. Pour tea over ice in glasses. Serve right away.
    Optional: 1/8 teaspoon of Orange flavor extract can be added

    Dukan Scones
    Ingredients :
    3 tablespoons Dukan Diet Organic Oat Bran
    3 tablespoons corn starch (tolerated)
    1/16 teaspoon Stevia, such as Dukan Diet Organic Stevia
    1 egg, separated
    1 tablespoon fat-free cottage cheese
    2 tablespoon fat-free plain Greek yogurt
    3 strawberries (or 2 tablespoons goji berries (tolerated))
    Directions :
    Preheat the oven to 400F. Place the oat bran and corn starch into a bowl and stir in the sweetener. Whisk the egg white until stiff. Whisk together the egg yolk and fat-free cottage cheese. Fold the egg white into the egg yolk mixture then fold into the oat bran mixture. Spoon 4 spoonful’s onto a baking tray and cook for 8-10 minutes. Leave to cool on a rack.
    Serve topped with a drizzle of yogurt and a few strawberry slices or goji berries.

  10. Sper ca te-am lamurit ca fructele Goji sunt tolerate si nu permise ! :)

  11. draga Oana, ai fost tare draguta, iti multumesc din suflet si imi pare rau ca ti-am dat asa mult de lucru. sunt foarte lamurita acum. eram doar putin ingrijorata, desi pana acum, de trei saptamani, nu am consumat tolerate, doar goji de vreo doua ori si ma gandeam ca fiind asa sanatoase, e chiar bine sa le consum. iti multumesc din nou pt rabdarea si amabilitatea ta, stiam eu ca din experineta ta Dukan sunt numai lucruri bune de invatat, mai ales ca multe site-uri sunt confuze , dar stiu ca la tine mereu gasesc ce e mai corect.sarut mana! Alina

    1. Ma bucur ca am putut fi de ajutor :) iti recomand sa consumi in continuare goji :) ,toleratele nu sunt obligatorii insa au si ele rolul lor :) Mult succes in continuare ! :*

    2. Am și eu o întrebare. Eu am cumpărat fructe goji dar pe cutie la ingrediente scrie ca,conțin zahar.Toate fructele goji au zahar?Eu la magazin nu m-am gandit sa mă uit la ingrediente,fiind doar fructe.

    3. Hello Lioara! Fructele goji nu sunt permise daca au zahar adăugat la ingrediente, pe punga mea la ingrediente scrie doar organic goji berries :) ,zaharul care apare pe tabela nutritionala este zaharul natural din fructe adica fructoza!

  12. am facut-o din 100 gr Goji si 50 gr Stevie, am blenduit-o si mi-a iesit un borcanel si un castronas. Veau sa zic ca e un deliciu in ceaiul de dimineata. Si peste panna cotta.

    1. Ma bucur ca-ți place, merge bine si cu clatite ,in tarate cu lapte,peste cheesecake sau poti umple un blat de rulada cu ea, yum!
